Our School

Sarah Hogan



“We are in the business of making saints here at St. Vincent de Paul!”


Dear Friends of St. Vincent de Paul,

It is with great honor and a deep sense of pride that I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School community. I am excited to share the vibrant and enriching experiences that make our school community truly exceptional. As the proud Principal of this esteemed school, it brings me great joy to showcase the positive qualities that define us and make us stand out.

The most defining characteristic of our school is our Catholic identity. We are committed to providing a place of belief for all children, a place where every child can encounter the perfect love of Christ, where each child can grow into the saint God calls them to be. We believe that by instilling Christian values and teachings, we guide our students on a journey of faith, helping them develop a deeper relationship with God and understanding of His love for them. 

At the heart of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School is a warm and family-centered environment that fosters a sense of belonging for each student. We believe that every child is a unique creation of God, blessed with distinct gifts and talents. In our school, we celebrate and nurture these God-given gifts, creating an atmosphere where every student feels valued, supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We take pride in the tradition of excellence that permeates every aspect of our school. From our rigorous academic programs to our thriving extracurricular activities, we strive for excellence in all we do. Our students are not only challenged to achieve their academic potential but are also encouraged to excel in character, virtue, and service to others.

At SVdP, we are not just an educational institution; we are a family whose intimate bonds are formed in Christ.  

I invite you to explore our website, where you will discover the many facets of our school.  Whether you are a prospective parent, a current member of our community, an alum, or a visitor, we hope that our online presence reflects the warmth, dedication, and faith that define us as a school.

We look forward to welcoming you into our school family and sharing our journey of faith, learning, and excellence with you.

In the love and service of Christ,

Sarah Hogan

Blue Ribbon School

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