The uniform policy was adopted in adherence to our mission statement that will enhance our learning environment. Christian modesty, personal appearance, and hygiene should reflect an attitude of self-worth and school pride on the part of every student.
General Regulations for St. Vincent de Paul Students:
- The Principal is the ultimate authority in interpreting every facet of the dress code.
- Students are expected to be clean and well groomed. Shirts are to be fully tucked in at all times.
- Hair on boys will be neatly trimmed with at least the bottom half of the ears exposed and a length not touching the top of the shirt collar. No gaudy or unusual cuts, designs, or colors are allowed for boys. Girls may wear any tasteful hairstyle. No gaudy or extreme cuts, designs, or colors are allowed for girls. Hair must be clean and groomed.
- Students are required to bring a written excuse from a parent if an exception to the dress code becomes necessary. This note is presented to the homeroom teacher and forwarded to the Principal.
- No hats may be worn during the school day.
Uniform Violation Policy
- The teacher fills out the violation form and sends it home to be signed.
- The student is to return the signed form to the homeroom teacher the next day. The homeroom teacher will keep all violation forms for tracking and record keeping.
- Parents will be called, if necessary, to come and take the students home to remedy the situation when the violation is considered grave or repetitive.
- Consequences for multiple violations will be at the discretion of the Principal.
The St. Vincent Women’s Guild has a used uniform sale during the summer, selling uniform shirts, shorts, pants, skirts and jumpers. Sale dates will be listed in the church bulletin.
Adapted June 2016; revised 2017, 2020, 2022, 2023