Miss Schwenger is a teacher in the 2nd grade at St. Vincent de Paul and has been an educator since 1996. She is a proud HAWKEYE, having earned her BA in Elementary Education from the University of Iowa. Miss Schwenger is a longtime Parish member at St. Vincent de Paul, and is an alumna both of St. Vincent de Paul School, and of Peoria Notre Dame High School.

Miss Schwenger exercises her Catholic faith daily in her classroom and especially as she works to prepare her 2nd Grade students for their First Holy Communion each Spring. Her favorite saint is St. Anne, the mother of Mary, and her favorite prayer is the Memorare.

When she is not teaching, Miss Schwenger enjoys time at home with her two orange tabby cats, Thomas and Elliot, along with hobbies such as tennis, gardening, ballet and photography. She has a love of animals of all kinds, and if she were not a teacher, she would combine that love with her hobby of photography to take pictures of animals and landscapes for National Geographic Magazine.

Miss Schwenger makes her classroom unique by welcoming and encouraging creativity, effort, and fun: “We all have God-given talents and knowledge to offer others just as we all have things to learn and improve upon. Why not laugh and actually enjoy the process of learning while learning?  We definitely do in 2nd grade!”