Mr. Miller is the campus minister and 5-8th grade religion teacher at St. Vincent de Paul and is excited to be here after teaching 6th grade religion from 2019-2022 in Dubuque, IA. He earned his BA in Theology and BA in History from Loras College in 2017 and received his MA in Theatre from Regent University in 2021. Mr. Miller grew up in Batavia, IL and is excited to call Peoria his home now.

Mr. Miller believes that true faith leads to transformative action. His favorite Saints are the ones who aren’t afraid to get dirty and into the messiness of life—such as his confirmation Saint, St. John of God, a man who loved with “impulsive love,” ultimately dying in a flood while sick because he attempted to save others. His classes will focus on love, faith, action, and prayer.

When he isn’t teaching, Mr. Miller loves to be involved with all the theatre that he can! He previously directed school productions in Dubuque and is looking forward to getting involved at the school and community.  He shares this hobby with his wife, Caroline, who he married in October 2022. Their dog, Rocky, is indifferent to theatre.

Mr. Miller hopes that every single student will be transformed by the radical love of Christ. Mr. Miller believes that, after the Eucharist, the most important element of any church is the exit sign, always beckoning us to take what we have learned from the feet of Christ out to our neighbors.