Señor Polillo is the K-8 Spanish teacher at St. Vincent de Paul. He received a BA in Spanish Language Arts and Literature from Northern Illinois University in 2010. Upon graduating, he retired the red of the NIU Huskies in order to dawn the blue of SVdP and has been a proud Viking ever since. Señor Polillo is also the Scholastic Bowl Coach at SVdP. Go Vikings!
Señor Polillo attended Costa Catholic School in Galesburg, Illinois as a child and is thrilled to be able to contribute to the Catholic education of his students at St. Vincent de Paul. At the beginning of each and every class, they start with a student lead prayer that is done completely in Spanish.
Aside from teaching, Señor Polillo is always up for a trip to the cinema to catch a film. He particularly enjoys all the superhero and Star Wars movies we have been getting in recent years. He also spends time watching different TV shows, listening to music, playing the latest and greatest videogames, and getting hyped about new breakthroughs in technology.
Señor Polillo’s classroom motto can best be summed up by “The Great One,” otherwise known as legendary hockey player Wayne Gretzky, who once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Señor Polillo wants each and every one of his students to take that chance, raise their hand, and get involved. They will be surprised at what they know and, know they shall, that we can succeed together.