Ms. Spiller is a teacher in the 4th grade at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School and has been an educator since 2004 when she earned her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Bradley University. Ms. Spiller is a member of St. Philomena Parish and is an alumna of St. Thomas the Apostle School and Richwoods Community High School right here in Peoria.

Ms. Spiller exercises her faith daily in her classroom in a variety of ways including reading and discussing daily devotions for kids. Her favorite saint is Saint Sebastian, the patron saint of athletes. He is the patron saint of athletes because of his physical endurance and his energetic way of spreading and defending the faith. Ms. Spiller’s love for her faith and her favorite sports teams makes him the perfect saint for her classroom.

When she is not teaching, Ms. Spiller enjoys traveling and spending time with her son, Trey and her daughter, Danielle. She can often be found with her nose in a good book, as reading is her favorite pastime. However, if she’s not reading a book, you can be sure to find her cheering on one of her favorite teams, The Chicago Cubs, the Dallas Cowboys, or the Fighting Illini, as she is an avid sports fan!!

One of Ms. Spiller’s favorite quotes is, “Whatever you are, be a good one” by Abraham Lincoln and she uses it in her classroom to help show her students that they can be whatever they want as long as they work hard and believe in themselves: “God has gifted each of us with our own special talents, and in our classroom we are all given the opportunity to shine in our own way as we learn and grow together!”