Mrs. Betts is a teacher in the 3 year old preschool program. She has worked in Early Childhood since 2007. Mrs. Betts has been a St. Vincent de Paul parish member since 1978 when she was in first grade. She is a graduate of SVdP, Peoria Notre Dame, and Eastern Illinois University.
Mrs. Betts has been married to her husband, Sam, for 18 years. He is a Physical Therapist and is the Director of Rehabilitation for Midwest Orthopaedic Center. They have two wonderful daughters, Abbey and Grace. Abbey attends Peoria Notre Dame and Grace attends 8th grade at St. Vincent’s. They also have a 15 year old Golden Retriever mix named Daisy. Mrs. Betts and her family enjoy spending time at Oak Run and she and her husband love to cheer on their daughters at their sporting events. Mrs. Betts is also a dedicated Cubs fan. Go Cubbies!
Mrs. Betts truly enjoys teaching the youngest children in our school. She says that everything is fun and exciting to 3 year olds…their enthusiasm makes her smile every day. One of her greatest joys is helping them to learn about God and His love for them. Mrs. Betts’ favorite saints are St. Bernadette and St. Catherine of Alexandria. Her favorite prayer is the Guardian Angel Prayer. Mrs. Betts’ favorite quote comes from the Bible. Mark, Chapter 10: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly, I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”