Mrs. Grooss is a Preschool Aide in the all-day 4 year old program. She has been in education since 2007. Mrs. Grooss and her family have been parishioners at St. Vincent’s since 1998. She and her husband Jim have four beautiful children who all attended St. Vincent’s. Her oldest daughter, Katie is a business director for St. Vincent de Paul Parish. Her son Matt is a financial adviser in Chicago. Kelly is a student at University of Illinois Springfield where she is studying Business Administration. Her youngest son Joe is a sophomore at Peoria Notre Dame High School. She also has two wonderful grandkids, which attend St. Vincent’s: Braden and Elliott and has beautiful Charlotte who is a toddler with hopes of attending St. Vincent very soon!

Mrs. Grooss makes her classroom a very welcoming and an enjoyable environment for students to learn and play. She loves playing and reading stories with her class. With having 20 preschoolers her class is always busy. Mrs. Grooss’s favorite saint is Mother Teresa and her favorite prayer is the Hail Mary.

When Mrs. Grooss is not at school she loves to spend time with her busy and active family. She also enjoys gardening, reading and watching her children and grandchildren play sports. If she wasn’t working at the preschool she would be a stay-at-home mom.

A quote she enjoys is “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Theresa